Horizontal surface selection and Evaporative Rate overwrite in IndoorLivingWall
Hi there experts!
I'm new to EnergyPlus and I'm trying to model evapotranspiration (ET) in a indoor farm. Found a handful measure "IndoorLivingWall" and want to see if I can adapt it.
1) The measure seems to work only for vertical walls, and if I were to select another horizontal surface like the floor, it gives an error. May I know if there is a work around on it? I imagine the code running behind does not take into consideration the orientation of the "wall".
2) Beside the two ET model, users are given the ability to overwrite the evapotranspiration calculation method with an EMS actuator. From the application note, the actuator name should be "Evapotranspiration rate". I created an EMS actuator with that name but it shows the following error signifying that the actuator was not recognised. How should I do it?
** Severe ** <root>[IndoorLivingWall][Space1-1IndoorLivingWall][evapotranspiration_calculation_method] - "<Evapotranspiration rate>" - Failed to match against any enum values.
3) Along the same line of question, how do I create and add my customised model into the list of available model to choose from?
Thank you all for your time and wisdom!
Kind regards
What's a handful measure? The feature is included in EnergyPlus (see here & here). Perusing the source code, I don't see where surface type (wall vs floor) matters, yet other surface attributes may raise errors (e.g. boundary condition, Line 165).