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asked 2025-01-08 15:35:26 -0600

updated 2025-01-25 10:40:02 -0600

I have done quite a bit of diving through the questions. This question is similar to "Find Root Simple Controller: Controller Water Coil Error" question, but I have already tried implementing those recommendation and am still seeing the errors. Unlike that question, this system uses a CentralHeatPumpSystem with ChillerHeaterPerformance:Electric:EIR modules.

Here is the error I am getting. It is repeated for each Controller:WaterCoil.

** Severe  ** FindRootSimpleController: Controller error for controller = "CONTROLLER HOT WATER COIL 3"
**   ~~~   **  Environment=RUN PERIOD 1, at Simulation time=01/01 00:00 - 00:10
**   ~~~   **   Controller function is inconsistent with user specified controller action = Normal action
**   ~~~   **   Actuator will be set to maximum action
**   ~~~   ** Controller control type=Temperature
**   ~~~   ** Controller temperature setpoint = 11.95 [C]
**   ~~~   ** Controller sensed temperature = -2.53 [C]
**   ~~~   ** Controller actuator mass flow rate set to 2.09 [kg/s]
**   ~~~   ** Controller actuator temperature = -8.06 [C]
**   ~~~   ** The entering hot water temperature (controller actuator temperature) should be above the setpoint temperature

I tried adjusting the action of the controller from normal to reverse, but this did not remove the error. I also tried adjusting the setpoint managers to make sure they were being set at the correct temperature. Any other ideas on how to solve this error?

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answered 2025-01-25 12:06:31 -0600

updated 2025-01-25 12:07:32 -0600

The plant water temperature is not hot enough to heat the air passing through this coil up to Controller temperature setpoint = 11.95 [C] when the HW coil entering water temperature is Controller actuator temperature = -8.06 [C]. Here the HW coil entering air temperature is Controller sensed temperature = -2.53 [C]. So this issue is with the plant equipment not controlling the plant water temperature properly. i.e., the problem is not with the HW coil controller. Look into why the plant CentralHeatPumpSystem is not working properly.

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Thank you for the tip. I have been looking into the CentralHeatPumpSystem and the ChillerHeaterPerformance:Electric:EIR modules, but I'm still struggling to find the error. Right now, I have all the equipment autosizing both the flow rates and capacities. Do you think this could cause the issue?

SolanaH1's avatar SolanaH1  ( 2025-01-28 14:29:44 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2025-01-08 15:35:26 -0600

Seen: 76 times

Last updated: Jan 25