Thanks for emailing me your BEopt project files. I took a quick look.
To be honest, the changes in energy use between the two files are so small (0.1 MBtu/yr or less) that they are essentially equivalent. And the reason they are essentially equivalent is because there is a mechanical ventilation system (that is being sized per ASHRAE 62.2). As the infiltration rate decreases, the mechanical ventilation airflow (and corresponding fan power) increases to achieve the same total air exchange for the home.
If you were to A) remove the mechanical ventilation system, or B) assign a hard-coded airflow rate of say 100 cfm to the mechanical ventilation system, then you would see the expected decrease in energy from 5->3->1 ACH50.
(Aside: It's worth noting that these three homes do not have equivalent ventilation/comfort. The home with 1ACH50 and a larger mechanical ventilation system is getting more consistent ventilation/comfort throughout the year, whereas the home with 5ACH50 will have more varying ventilation throughout the year -- based on wind speeds and outdoor temperatures.)