Discrepency in "Outdoor air Details" HTML Output report

asked 2025-01-08 13:30:29 -0600

kbk78's avatar

updated 2025-01-08 16:10:01 -0600

There appears to be a discrepency in the HTML output reporting for the Outdoor air details report. I created a simple model with one air loop per zone, and turned off the economizer. In the Outdoor Air Details report, I expected the "Average Outdoor Air during Occupancy by zone" to be identical to the "Average Outdoor air during occupancy by airloop" for each loop/zone, but it is not. The minimal outdoor air flow rate in Controller:OutdoorAir report from Component Sizing Summary agrees with the "Outdoor Air during Occupancy by zone" report but not with the "Average Outdoor air during occupancy by airloop". Are there reasons for the outputs to be different, or is this a reporting error.

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