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Tutorials on how to use PAT for different models

asked 2025-01-07 08:51:23 -0600

codygillmore's avatar

updated 2025-01-07 08:52:34 -0600

I have 2 models that represent the baseline model, and then a model that reflects the baseline model with an energy efficiency measure applied to it, via manual adjustment of the model inputs (ie. no "measure" was run on it).

I want to analyze the effects of the measures that i created manually using PAT because I thought that PAT was the best method to aggregrate the results, however, I can't find any way to run the following analysis in PAT. Are there any tutorials on how to do this?

I am aware of the existing PAT tutorial video, but it does not cover what I am asking for.

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2 Answers

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answered 2025-01-09 10:42:54 -0600

Craig Simmons's avatar

There are two ways to accomplish this depending on whether you are using "manual" or "algorithmic" analysis. One thing to watch out for is to make sure any measures you run through PAT on the seed models need to be written generically enough to not fail on any of them. Slight differences in schedule or zone names can often crash the analysis.

If you are using Manual you can load multiple seed models with the 'Default Seed Model' field on the main 'Analysis' tab. Be aware that as you load new seed models it will mess with your measure settings (especially if you are doing anything with schedules or specific systems). Preferably you load all of your seed models, then set the one that is most appropriate as the 'Default' and continue to set up your measures and options. On the 'Design Alternatives' tab you then have the option to set a different 'Seed Model' for each alternative.

In Algorithmic mode you need a measure that can load the OSM files, then set the various file paths as your Measure Inputs. There is a measure in the openstudio-common-measures-gem called ReplaceModel. I'm linking directly to the repository but you can also find it on the BCL. If you use the repository link be careful to download from the appropriate Tag for your PAT version. Personally I prefer working from the gem repositories because it's simpler to control versioning when you have multiple OS/PAT versions you're working with. If you click on a tag it will generally list the OS version it is associated with.

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Thanks for the reply. This is my current workflow for Manual. If you can see the screenshot above, that has the 2 different models for 2 alternative runs. I get a "completed datapoint failure" when going to run. Does the workflow you mention work for you?

codygillmore's avatar codygillmore  ( 2025-01-14 15:48:04 -0600 )edit

There's infinite reasons for a run to fail. The set up looks fine. If you're not running any measures on the seeds (looks like you're not) you might need to run a random reporting measure on one then not on the other to trick PAT into thinking it's doing more than just swapping out seed models. PAT expects to be running variations of measures. But also make sure your seed models run in OS and that your PAT version is aligned with the OS version you created the models in. Most likely you need to do some digging into error logs to find the culprit.

Craig Simmons's avatar Craig Simmons  ( 2025-01-14 16:04:32 -0600 )edit

answered 2025-01-07 13:57:04 -0600

sashadf1's avatar

Try looking through this reference, from create design alternatives downward.

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Thanks for the reply. I am aware of this tutorial, but it doesn't discuss what I need to do which is analyzing 2 or more different seed models.

codygillmore's avatar codygillmore  ( 2025-01-07 14:07:44 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2025-01-07 08:51:23 -0600

Seen: 94 times

Last updated: Jan 09