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After installing the Sketch Up plugin in OpenStudio, a message showing that "openstudio_modeleditor.rb" does not exist appears.

asked 2024-12-31 17:54:08 -0600

Smart's avatar

updated 2025-01-02 10:54:21 -0600

After installing the Sketch Up plugin in OpenStudio, a message showing that "openstudio_modeleditor.rb" does not exist appears. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

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1 Answer

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answered 2025-01-04 12:19:19 -0600

My guess is that you are pointing the OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in to the installation directory of the OpenStudio SDK. The OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in needs to be pointed to an installation of the OpenStudio Application instead (the OpenStudio Application is a separate project built on top of the OpenStudio SDK). You will need to pick a compatible version of the OpenStudio Application depending on which version of SketchUp you are using, see for more information.

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Asked: 2024-12-31 17:54:08 -0600

Seen: 1,702 times

Last updated: Jan 04