cooling tower and condenser pump are not functioning properly
In my EnergyPlus simulation, I’m sure there are no errors in the connections of branch, branchlist, and node. I’ve also set up the related schedules, including CondenserLoop, CondenserEquipmentOperationSchemes, CondenserEquipmentList, and PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad.
However, the results of the simulation shows that the energy consumption of cooling tower and condenser pump are both zero. This might mean that the two equipment is not functioning, and hence leads to zero energy consumption. Could you please suggest what might lead to this situation? The energy consumption of the two equipment should not be zero. Thank you.
This is the .svg file of condenser loop.
Condenser Loop_Chiller, !- Name
Water, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Operation, !- Condenser Equipment Operation Scheme Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Supply Side Outlet Branch Pipe Outlet Node, !- Condenser Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
50, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
5, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
0.61185, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
autocalculate, !- Condenser Loop Volume {m3}
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Supply Side Inlet Branch Pipe Inlet Node, !- Condenser Side Inlet Node Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Supply Side Outlet Branch Pipe Outlet Node, !- Condenser Side Outlet Node Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Supply Side Branches, !- Condenser Side Branch List Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Supply Side Connectors, !- Condenser Side Connector List Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Demand Side Inlet Branch Pipe Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Demand Side Outlet Branch Pipe Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Demand Side Branches, !- Condenser Demand Side Branch List Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Demand Side Connectors, !- Condenser Demand Side Connector List Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
None; !- Pressure Simulation Type
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Operation, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Scheme 1, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
On 24/7; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Scheme 1 Range 1 Equipment List, !- Name
CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Equipment 1 Object Type
CT-A1, !- Equipment 1 Name
CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Equipment 2 Object Type
CT-A2, !- Equipment 2 Name
CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Equipment 3 Object Type
CT-A3; !- Equipment 3 Name
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Scheme 1, !- Name
0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
1000000000000000.00, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
Condenser Loop_Chiller_Scheme 1 Range 1 Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
@Yun can you explain what you mean by "my cooling tower and condenser pump are not functioning properly"? Is the plant loop not meeting setpoint, not following flow rate control, etc.?
@Aaron Boranian Sorry for not making it clear. "My cooling tower and condenser pump are not functioning properly" means that the cooling tower and condenser pump have not been turned on throughout the entire year, with a power consumption of 0.