Temperature/relative humidity out of bounds/range, large latent heat

asked 2024-12-28 05:40:59 -0600

updated 2024-12-30 09:40:51 -0600

Hi, I am modelling a single zone with multilayered walls using HAMT model, the zone is uncontrolled for instance (no HVAC or other equipments except air infiltration of 0.5 ACH). When I run simulation, I get a huge number of warnings (from 3000 to milions in some cases) of the following type:

  • Calculated Relative Humidity out of range (PsyRhFnTdbRhov)
  • HeatAndMoistureTransfer: Large Latent Heat for Surface SOUTH WALL
  • Temperature out of range [-100. to 200.] (PsyPsatFnTemp)

Sometimes those warnings do not prevent simulation to complete and I get logical results, but sometimes they lead to severe and fatal errors and simulation stops. I noticed that those warnings and errors change when changing the weather file or the simulation run periods.

Did any one experience the same issues? Any solutions? Thank you.

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