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EnergyPlus simulation crashes above a certain BaseDepth value for GroundHeatTransfer

asked Nov 27

nadja's avatar

updated Nov 27

I have a basement depth of ~10 m; however, when entering a BaseDepth that is above ~7.4 m the simulation crashes due to the following error:

** Severe  ** Output:PreprocessorMessage="GroundTempCalc - Basement" has the following Severe conditions:
**   ~~~   ** EPlusOutput: Calculations have resulted in invalid results (NAN). (Could be divide by zero.
**   ~~~   ** Overflows. Other causes.) Check Input Parameters.  Hint: Start from defaults for each object
**   ~~~   ** and work forward.
** Severe  ** Output:PreprocessorMessage="GroundTempCalc - Basement" has the following Fatal condition:
**   ~~~   ** Program terminates due to preceding condition(s).
**  Fatal  ** Preprocessor condition(s) cause termination.

I have tested other variables, but this one seems to be the one causing issues, even though the programme states that this input has no maximum. Does anyone know what the issue could be?

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answered Nov 27

What version of EnergyPlus? It looks like a similar issue was fixed in EnergyPlus 22.2.0, so updating to the latest EnergyPlus release might fix your error.

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Thanks, but I'm using EnergyPlus 23.1.0, so that shouldn't be the issue

nadja's avatar nadja  ( Nov 28 )

I also tried running the simulation with the latest version of EnergyPlus (24.2.0) and it still crashes, so it seems that this issue hasn't been resolved yet.

nadja's avatar nadja  ( Nov 28 )

In that case, you would need to file a bug report at and attach your IDF file.

shorowit's avatar shorowit  ( Dec 2 )

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Asked: Nov 27

Seen: 62 times

Last updated: Nov 27 '24