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EP Macro Fail in jEPlus+EA

asked 2024-11-04 10:52:57 -0600

adrsnt's avatar

updated 2024-11-05 08:21:32 -0600

Good morning.

I'm running some parametric simulations using jEPlus using LHS and it works good. However, when I go to EA to optimize, I get a error message and it won't simulate any case. (Case is missing error)

I'm using EPMarco with ##Include and it works good in jEPlus as I said, and in EA the output folders do have the correct in.idf (and in.imf), even in the audit.out. In the file console.log i get EP Return = 0.

Now when I traspassed the project to EA, when i simulate back in jEPlus with LHS or any other method, I get this fresh error message.

Anybody has any idea? I don't have any .err or anything.

Thank you!

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Hi, it will likely be an issue related to the paths of the included files. Could you put all the included files in a subfolder to the main .imf file, and "##fileprefix ./" at the start of the IMF file? If it still doesn't work, let me know your project's name on the JEA platform so I can have a look.

Yi Zhang's avatar Yi Zhang  ( 2024-11-06 04:09:23 -0600 )edit

Hello Yi Zhang, Thank you for the reply. Actually, it was a very "dumb" mistake. I had to rearrange the joblist to recalculate just some parameters and then collect the results therefore i had unchecked "Run Simulations" in jEPlus. It's fixed now, going to leave the post as it is just in case It can be helpful.

Thanks again

adrsnt's avatar adrsnt  ( 2024-11-06 08:28:04 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2024-11-07 03:11:46 -0600

adrsnt's avatar

The solution was to check "Run Simulation" in the Execution Tab in jEPlus which was left unchecked due to a collect results re-run.

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Asked: 2024-11-04 10:52:57 -0600

Seen: 71 times

Last updated: Nov 15 '24