why indoor temperature increase in middle levels of high-rises in openstudio?

asked Oct 8

Graphus's avatar

I have modelled a high-rise unit apartments of 16 storey in openstudio with and (epw for Sydney) and when checking heat index based on unit levels, I see that high temperature hours start to increase from ground floor to 7-10 floors and then slowly decrease to the last ones. Is this due to the wind turbulence in higher altitude? Has anyone experienced it before?

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Apart from the ground floor (slab-on-grade?) and the top floor (i.e. "roofs"), these are 16 exact clones of some template storey? e.g. same FWR%, same HVAC? Ground floor is typically cooler; top floor often warmer. Wind speeds increase with height - more so for the first 8 storeys than the last 8 - power law profile. Air temperature decreases with height - linearly. So all things equal, one would expect a decrease in indoor temperatures with height. Can't explain the sudden mid-height shift you're describing. No local shading (e.g. from surrounding 6-storey buildings)?