Dual Fuel HP Openstudio

asked 2024-10-02 15:29:08 -0500

QCeng's avatar

updated 2024-10-03 07:55:39 -0500

Hi everyone,

What would be the best way to create a dual fuel heat pump rooftop in Openstudio?

My goal is to switch to natural gas whenever the outside temperature is below a certain threshold. Since it is not possible to control the air loop components availability, I've made two air loops for my zone : one full electric with a DX cooling and DX heating coil and one full gas with a burner.

When I try to control them with the Availability Manager objects (LowTempTurnOff and LowTempTurnOn), it ends up that none of the rooftops are working or when it does the zone temperature doesn't seem to be affected.

Is it because my zone is supplied by two air loops?

Thank you in advance for your help.

The IDF file : https://we.tl/t-CmCHNixn24 (the air loops are called RTU-ATELIER and RTU-ATELIER(GAS))

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can you share the IDF file created by OpenStudio? I'd like to see your file including the Availability Managers

kwalkerman's avatar kwalkerman  ( 2024-10-02 16:17:23 -0500 )edit

So it seems that the gas unit is working properly when the temperature drops below 10.4F and I can see that the zone temperature follows the thermostat setpoint. The rest of the time though, the heat pump unit seems to be working ( I see heating rate from the heating coil) but the zone temperature is not changing accordingly.

QCeng's avatar QCeng  ( 2024-10-03 07:55:12 -0500 )edit