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Modeling a typical building

asked Sep 30

updated Oct 6

I'm trying to just setup OpenStudio on ubuntu24.04 i installed it and i tried to open a whole building measure for whole building -CreateTypicalBuilding

i just downloaded Open-Studio SDK =3.8.0 Version=1.8.0+2722e3e751

clicked on find measures and downloaded the said measure. after that i clicked apply measure choose the said measure and as input entered Geometry,Climate zone and HVAC type the rest left at default values.It ran and gave me an IOError

[openstudio.measure.OSRunner] SWIG director method error. IOError: not opened for reading]

This is apparently a bug that was fixed, I tried to run the app with my own weather file but again got an error:

[openstudio.measure.OSRunner] SWIG director method error. NoMethodError: undefined method `model_standards_climate_zone' for #["Attic"], "WholeBuilding - Sm Office"=>["Core_ZN", "Perimeter_ZN_3", "Perimeter_ZN_2", "Perimeter_ZN_4", "Perimeter_ZN_1"]}>

A similar error happened to each other building type i tried.

I also tried using an old version of open studio 1.7.2 and got a whole different error.

[openstudio.measure.OSRunner] SWIG director method error. ArgumentError: unknown keyword: :user_hvac_mapping ]

which was quite discouraging.

my main goal is to try and see the effect of different esoteric schedules on existing buildings HVAC consumption,Is there maybe some pre-built models in an idf format i can maybe import until those bugs will be solved ? best regards

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You're going to have to share more info, we have no idea what's going on or how to reproduce the issue.

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( Sep 30 )
Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( Sep 30 )

I entered more information, this is a possible duplicate but as im not sure on the details i don't know if the problem is identical. also i was under the impression that this measure doesn't require a weather file am i wrong ? i encountered the same problem with the measure in the possible duplicate you mentioned.

in Create Typical Building and in Create DOE prototype Building I encounter the same error

2 Answers

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answered Oct 1

updated Oct 1

There was a bug in the openstudio-standards gem where running the measure in the app broke the relative path to weather file directory for weather files included with openstudio-standards. It is fixed, and will be in the next openstudio-standards release out at the end of this month (Oct 2024).

If you want to use it in the current version of the app, you'll need to update your gems to use the latest version of openstudio-standards. Here are instructions to loading custom gems.

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answered Oct 7

updated Oct 7

I'm assuming the "Create Typical Building" measure you are referring to is coming from

That measure is only compatible with OpenStudio 3.7.0 and below, according to the README - Compatibility Matrix

It is also using an extremely outdated version of OpenStudio-standards (0.2.12, see gemspec, 0.2.12 was released on October 16, 2020, and the current version is 0.6.3, 12 releases happened since then).

It's possible it'd work with a more recent one, but definitely not one after openstudio-standards 0.6.0, because that's when this commit replaced model_standards_climate_zone by model_get_climate_zone.

You could try with an OpenStudio Application version 1.7.0 that is based on OpenStudio SDK 3.7.0 (OpenStudio Application Version Compatibility Matrix) since that would use openstudio-standards 0.5.0 (cf OpenStudio SDK Compartibility Matrix and the corresponding Gemfile)

If that doesn't work, if you want to use that measure, your best bet is to checkout the openstudio-building-energy-standard-measures-gem repo locally, install a ruby 2.7.2 on your system and link it to openstudio SDK 3.7.0, and bundle install the exact dependencies. This isn't your average click and play workflow though, so if you're not familiar with it, perhaps it's a bad idea.

For an alternative, what I would suggest doing is to use the OpenStudio Application 1.8.0, go to File > Examples > Shoebox Model which creates an OSM that has two measures for model articulation added, coming from NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem

That works.

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Asked: Sep 30

Seen: 316 times

Last updated: Oct 07 '24