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Cannot Run Unmet Load Hours Troubleshooting Measure

asked Sep 22

DariusLuo's avatar

updated Sep 23

My model has a lot of unmet load hours, but the simulation fails when I apply the Unmet Load Hours Troubleshooting reporting measure. Here is the link to my .osm file.

Here are the error messages I receive.

Found error in state 'ReportingMeasures' with message: 'Runner error: Measure 'C:/Users/DARIUS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-565e-2c55-775f-1946-1726977606-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb' reported an error with [SWIG director method error. NoMethodError: undefined method `iddObjectType' for nil:NilClass

This error message appears after it gathers reports.

stderr: Failed to run workflow. Last Error:
stderr: Found error in state 'ReportingMeasures' with message: 'Runner error: Measure 'C:/Users/DARIUS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-565e-2c55-775f-1946-1726977606-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb' reported an error with [SWIG director method error. NoMethodError: undefined method `iddObjectType' for nil:NilClass
stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):
stderr: C:/Users/DARIUS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-565e-2c55-775f-1946-1726977606-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb:165:in `unmet_hrs_from_slave_zones'
stderr: C:/Users/DARIUS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-565e-2c55-775f-1946-1726977606-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb:517:in `block in run'
stderr: C:/Users/DARIUS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-565e-2c55-775f-1946-1726977606-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb:512:in `each'
stderr: C:/Users/DARIUS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/osmodel-565e-2c55-775f-1946-1726977606-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb:512:in `run']'
Simulation failed to run, with exit code 1

I appreciate any insight anyone can provide! Thank you.

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1 Answer

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answered Sep 23

updated Sep 23

The measure assumes you have a SetpointManager assigned to the supplyOutletNode of your AirLoopHVACs. Which you apparently do not have.

You probably should... I fail to see any valid case where you would not.

I filed so the error handling gets improved.

Edit: I opened your model, I see you placed a SPM:Coldest after the heating coil and a SPM:Warmest after the cooling coil.

image description

I don't think this is going to work like this. AFAIK, if you want to use both, you should probably use a Dual Duct AirLoopHVAC, similar to the DualDuctConstVolDamper.idf EnergyPlus example file (

It'll look something like this:

image description

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Thank you for taking a look and providing your input! It is not supposed to be a dual duct system so I removed the existing SPMs and now only have the SPM:Warmest at the end. However, I still cannot seem to get the reporting measure to run. Here is the updated model:

DariusLuo's avatar DariusLuo  ( Sep 23 )

No data found for 'Zone Mean Air Temperature' 'THERMAL ZONE: 2FL_OFFICE203,204,205' SWIG director method error. NoMethodError: undefined method map!' for nil:NilClass Traceback (most recent call last): /tmp/osmodel-c616-91e0-d2d2-bb62-1727164398-0/resources/measures/UnmetLoadHoursTroubleshooting/measure.rb:591:ininitZoneMetric

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( Sep 24 )

You see where it fails, you can track the line it throws on and figure it out. It happens here:

Do yourself a favor, and stop using special chars in your object names (and file names), in particular DO NOT use commas. You can manage to do everything with [a-zA-Z0-9] and - and _ and you'll avoid a lot of problems. If I name the zone Thermal Zone: 2FL_Office203-204-205 instead it works (1/2)

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( Sep 24 )

It will fail later anyways because this measure is not compatible with 3.0.0. cf and

Julien Marrec's avatar Julien Marrec  ( Sep 24 )

Ahh, thank you, I appreciate your help on this despite the obvious (to I'm sure everyone but me) answer.

DariusLuo's avatar DariusLuo  ( Oct 2 )

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Asked: Sep 22

Seen: 123 times

Last updated: Oct 02 '24