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Error "EnergyPlus returned a non-zero exit code (1). Check the stdout-energyplus log"

asked 2024-09-18 17:16:12 -0600

dmeist's avatar

updated 2024-10-18 11:25:04 -0600

Hi, I'm a relatively new user of Openstudio and I got this error below when trying to run my file:

**FATAL:Errors occurred on processing input file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination.
EnergyPlus Run Time=00hr 00min  0.07sec
EnergyPlus returned '1'
EnergyPlus returned a non-zero exit code (1). Check the stdout-energyplus log
Removing any copied EnergyPlus files
EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error. Check eplusout.err log.
Found error in state 'EnergyPlus' with message: 'D:\OSN\src\workflow\RunEnergyPlus.cpp@291 : EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error. Check eplusout.err log.'
stderr: Failed to run workflow. Last Error:
stderr: Found error in state 'EnergyPlus' with message: 'D:\OSN\src\workflow\RunEnergyPlus.cpp@291 : EnergyPlus Terminated with a Fatal Error. Check eplusout.err log.'
Simulation failed to run, with exit code 1

My input file was a DOE prototype building (SmallOffice), and I used the prototype weather file from the Energyplus website "USA_NY_New.York-John.F.Kennedy.Intl_.AP_.744860_TMY3.epw". I checked the eplusout.err file and it shows this:

  ** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 153", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
   **   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
   ** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 316", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
   **   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
   ** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 58", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
   **   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
   ** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 218", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
   **   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.
   ** Severe  ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="FACE 105", invalid blank Outside Boundary Condition Object
   **   ~~~   ** ...when Base surface uses "Surface" as Outside Boundary Condition Object, subsurfaces must also specify specific surfaces in the adjacent zone.

I have attached my floorplan and 3d view as well - It's a 2 story small office building.

floorplan 3dview

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answered 2024-09-18 21:29:50 -0600

Your severe errors all relate to the same interzone subsurface issue. You can follow the fix described here.

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Asked: 2024-09-18 17:16:12 -0600

Seen: 272 times

Last updated: Oct 14 '24