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No HTML in jEPlus output

asked 2024-09-17 10:41:54 -0600

Erick's avatar

updated 2024-09-17 14:01:24 -0600

I run a simple parametric analysis in jEPlus v2.1 using the DOE medium office building. After simulating two parameters (U-factor and SHGC), I did not see the HTML file in the output folder. Moreover, eplustbl.csv did not retrieve any output.

I have tried the following solutions given in previous queries, but I have the same problem:

  AllSummary;              !- Report 1 Name

  CommaAndHTML;            !- Column Separator

Please what do I need to do to collect the HTML file?

I also received the message,

"Warning: no report variable is defined. This project may not work with jEPlus+EA."

How do I resolve this? Thank you.

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answered 2024-09-19 06:08:10 -0600

Yi Zhang's avatar

Hi, can you check the IDF file and make sure it contains this object as described in the docs:

OutputControl:Table:Style, CommaAndHTML;            !- Column Separator

The warning about not having report variables is only relevant when you start running the project in jEPlus+EA. It doesn't matter if you only need jEPlus.

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Asked: 2024-09-17 10:41:54 -0600

Seen: 91 times

Last updated: Sep 19 '24