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EnergyPlus AFN and HVAC including mechanical ventilation and LowTemperatureRadiant

asked Sep 12

AGeissler's avatar

updated Sep 14

Hi, I have a fairly large model (of an existing building) which has an AFN for night-time cooling as well as a mechanical ventilation system and (of course) a heating system via 'LowTemperatureRadiant' surfaces (floor heating system, DistrictHeating:Water). Some of the rooms in the building are not directly connected to the ventilation system (they have openings to adjacent zones and are 'indirectly' ventilated by these - and are accordingly integrated into the AFN), so do not have ducts etc. But they do have floor heating. For the objects


I need to give 'Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name'. However, for the zones not directly connected to the ZoneHVAC via ducts etc. I have not found a method to do this.

What I would likely need is a component ("equipment") for ZoneHVAC of the type "overflow opening" or "overflow orifice". However, none of the available components seems to match this simple type.

Any ideas appreciated.

Best Achim

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answered Oct 1

AGeissler's avatar

Solution: In the object "ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections" only enter "Zone Air Node Name" and not "Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name" (leave blank) for zones included in the AFN but not in mechanical ventilation part of the HVAC system. After this change in the appropriate objects, the model simulates.

Best Achim

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Asked: Sep 12

Seen: 146 times

Last updated: Oct 01 '24