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One way of working around that could be to also schedule the setpoints - set the cooling setpoint higher when it's not supposed to be being used, and the heating setpoint lower when it's not supposed to be being used.

One way of working around that could be to also schedule the setpoints - set the cooling setpoint higher when it's not supposed to be being used, and the heating setpoint lower when it's not supposed to be being used.

edit: using Dual Setpoint you should be able to do this like so:

    setpoints1,              !- Name
    Heating,                 !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    Cooling;                 !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

Through: 03/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 22.78,
Through: 10/20,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 20,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 22.78;

Through: 06/30,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 25,
Through: 09/15,
Until: 24:00, 22.22,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 25;

Fill in setpoint values as desired. You could try to set it up to swap between single heating and single cooling, but I think that would be more complicated and not really add anything? Unless someone who knows more about the fine details of the systems says otherwise...