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@Keigo it looks like DX cooling coils have a condenser type input that can be set to "EvaporativelyCooled". Is this what you're hoping to do for chillers and VRF outdoor units? If so, then this evap-cooled condenser capability is currently available in EnergyPlus, but only for certain object types:


* VRF Outdoor Units *

@Keigo it looks like DX cooling coils have a condenser type input that can be set to "EvaporativelyCooled". Is this what you're hoping to do for chillers and VRF outdoor units? If so, then this evap-cooled condenser capability is currently available in EnergyPlus, but only for certain object types:


* VRF Outdoor Units *Units

@Keigo it looks like DX cooling coils have a condenser type input that can be set to "EvaporativelyCooled". Is this what you're hoping to do for chillers and VRF outdoor units? If so, then this evap-cooled condenser capability is currently available in EnergyPlus, but only for certain object types:


VRF Outdoor Units


I see now that you were just mentioning chillers and VRF outdoor units as examples of evaporatively cooling condensers, but want to do the same thing for fluid coolers -- apologies.

Since this isn't an option for fluid cooler object types in EnergyPlus, your best option will likely be to use EMS. You would create an EMS program that calculates how the outdoor air inlet node should have its conditions modified to account for the pre-cooling sprayer.

If evaporatively-cooled fluid coolers is common practice, then you can create a feature request on the EnergyPlus Github site for developers to add it to future versions.

@Keigo it looks like DX cooling coils have a condenser type input that can be set to "EvaporativelyCooled". Is this what you're hoping to do for chillers and VRF outdoor units? If so, then this evap-cooled condenser capability is currently available in EnergyPlus, but only for certain object types:


VRF Outdoor Units


I see now that you were just mentioning chillers and VRF outdoor units as examples of evaporatively cooling condensers, but want to do the same thing for fluid coolers -- apologies.

Since this isn't an option for fluid cooler object types in EnergyPlus, your best option will likely be to use EMS. You would create an EMS program that calculates how the outdoor air inlet node should have its conditions modified to account for the pre-cooling sprayer.sprayer. You would then use the outdoor air system node conditions actuators to override the outdoor air drybulb and/or wetbulb at a specific OutdoorAir:Node object name, which is referenced as the fluid cooler's outdoor air node field.

If evaporatively-cooled fluid coolers is common practice, then you can create a feature request on the EnergyPlus Github site for developers to add it to future versions.