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Hello Olamide, I may be completely misinterpreting your question, but I believe what you are looking for can be accomplished in the Thermal Zone tab of OpenStudioApp 1.7.0. Simply define a cooling temperature setpoint schedule and a heating temperature setpoint schedule and assign these to the Cooling and Heating Thermostat Setpoint fields in the image below, respectively.

image description

The setpoint schedules could also have some setbacks, say an unoccupied period from midnight to 6 AM and from 8 PM to midnight, where temperature could be, say 80 F for cooling and 65 F for heating, and then an occupied period from 6 AM to 8 PM, where temperature could be 75 F for cooling and 70 oF for heating. All this also makes sure there is no overlap between cooling and heating, that is to say your unoccupied deadband is 80 - 65 = 15 F and the occupied deadband is 75 - 70 = 5 F.