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I don't know what you have defined in the model. The EnergyPlus engine has hundreds of outputs that can be requested and I don't remember all of them by heart. If possible, please provide the dsb or idf file so I can provide more specific guidance.

You can view all available output variables either in the .rdd file or through the EMS scripting add output interface. The step-by-step instructions are described in this knowledgebase article.

I don't know what you have defined in the model. The EnergyPlus engine has hundreds of outputs that can be requested and I don't remember all of them by heart. If possible, please provide the dsb or idf file so I can provide more specific guidance.

You can view all available output variables either in the .rdd file or through the EMS scripting add output interface. The step-by-step instructions are described in this knowledgebase article.

Depending on the model you use, you may have access to the following outputs:

Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Water Vapor Density [kg/m3] Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir] Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]

Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Temperature Cell N [C] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Water Content Cell N [kg/kg] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Relative Humidity Cell N [%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Average Water Content Ratio [kg/kg] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Temperature [C] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Vapor Pressure [Pa] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Outside Face Temperature [C] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Outside Face Relative Humidity [%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]


I don't know what you have defined in the model. The EnergyPlus engine has hundreds of outputs that can be requested and I don't remember all of them by heart. If possible, please provide the dsb or idf file so I can provide more specific guidance.

You can view all available output variables either in the .rdd file or through the EMS scripting add output interface. The step-by-step instructions are described in this knowledgebase article.

Depending on the model you use, you may have access to the following outputs:

Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Water Vapor Density [kg/m3]
Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]

[%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Temperature Cell N [C] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Water Content Cell N [kg/kg] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Relative Humidity Cell N [%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Average Water Content Ratio [kg/kg] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Temperature [C] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Vapor Pressure [Pa] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Outside Face Temperature [C] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Outside Face Relative Humidity [%] Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]



I don't know what you have defined in the model. The EnergyPlus engine has hundreds of outputs that can be requested and I don't remember all of them by heart. If possible, please provide they depend on the dsb or idf file so I can provide more specific guidance.model you have defined.

You can view all available output variables either in the .rdd file or through the EMS scripting add output interface. The step-by-step instructions are described in this knowledgebase article.

Depending on the model you use, you may have access to the following outputs:

Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Water Vapor Density [kg/m3]
Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
Zone,Average,EMPD Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]

Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Temperature Cell N [C]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Water Content Cell N [kg/kg]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Relative Humidity Cell N [%]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Average Water Content Ratio [kg/kg]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Vapor Pressure [Pa]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Outside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Outside Face Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,HAMT Surface Inside Face Relative Humidity [%]
