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If I understand correctly, your problem is with this EMS Sensor:

  RCan,                    !- Name
  THERMAL ZONE 1,          !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
  Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate;  !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name

The solar enclosure is probably the name of the Space. Try using the space name 101 smartfarm and see if that works.

If I understand correctly, your problem is with this EMS Sensor:

  RCan,                    !- Name
  THERMAL ZONE 1,          !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
  Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate;  !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name

The solar enclosure is probably the name of the Space. Try using the space name 101 smartfarm and see if that works.

This looks like the same issue as NREL/EnergyPlus#10552 - "Zone Exterior Windows ..." output variables confusingly take a Space name