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This may or may not be the issue, but you should use lots of parentheses to make sure compound expressions are evaluated in the order you desire. For example, instead of:

0 + B1 * RH + B1 * CO2 + B1 * Top * RH


0 + (B1 * RH) + (B1 * CO2) + (B1 * Top * RH)

You can read about this more in the EMS Expressions documentation where it states:

For complicated expressions, it helps to make heavy use of parentheses in your equations. By using parentheses with proper algebraic evaluation in mind to group terms, you can help the Erl parser. The language processor is simplistic compared to a full-blown programming language and sometimes has problems applying the rules of algebra. It is safer to err on the side of extra parentheses and to inspect the results of complex expressions in the EDD output.

This may or may not be the issue, but you should use lots of parentheses to make sure compound expressions are evaluated in the order you desire. For example, instead of:

0 B0 + B1 * RH + B1 * CO2 + B1 * Top * RH


0 B0 + (B1 * RH) + (B1 * CO2) + (B1 * Top * RH)

You can read about this more in the EMS Expressions documentation where it states:

For complicated expressions, it helps to make heavy use of parentheses in your equations. By using parentheses with proper algebraic evaluation in mind to group terms, you can help the Erl parser. The language processor is simplistic compared to a full-blown programming language and sometimes has problems applying the rules of algebra. It is safer to err on the side of extra parentheses and to inspect the results of complex expressions in the EDD output.