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Can these errors be ignored? Probably not a good idea. Good news is that you only have 10 orphaned subsurfaces, and 14 surface duplicates to fix. I've come across WAY worse.

Are those 10 (fenestrated?) subsurfaces unintended artefacts in your model (to delete)? If so, open the .osm file with a text editor, CTRL-F their identifiers (e.g. "Sub Surface 240"), then CTRL-F their respective (unique) alphanumeric handles. If the number of search matches == 1, then it's probably safe to select each subsurface entry and CTRL-X.

If these 10 subsurfaces are instead meant to be there, then identify which (base) surfaces should be their parents (e.g. compare their vertices). Then copy/paste respective base surface handles vis-à-vis "!- Surface Name" (each subsurface entry has one).

For the 14 duplicate surfaces, I'd try something similar. CTRL-F their identifiers (e.g. "Surface 256" and "Surface 499"), and compare their vertices (as well as their designated spaces). CTRL-F their respective handles. If search matches == 1 for either one, then it's probably also safe to delete 1 from each paired duplicates.

I'd first try this out on a copy of the original .osm!