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1 | initial version |
The Engineering Reference in the Fanger Comfort Model section shows the detailed calculation of PMV. This model is based on the zone conditions (T and w) as well as the schedules used for activity level, work efficiency, clothing level, and air velocity. Any one or more of these values will affect the resulting PMV. The first step in diagnosing the simulation results would be to report the zone temperature and relative humidity. Keeping the zone conditions within the comfort zone would be one of the first things to implement. The clothing schedule and air velocity schedule would be the second things to look at to ensure the occupants are wearing the correct apparel and see the expected skin air velocity.
PMV = ThermSensTransCoef*(IntHeatProd - EvapHeatLoss - RespHeatLoss - DryHeatLoss)
ThermSensTransCoef = 0.303*EXP(-0.036*ActLevel) + 0.028 (activity level is scheduled)
IntHeatProd = ActLevel - WorkEff; (both scheduled)
EvapHeatLossRegComf = 0.42*(IntHeatProd - ActLevelConv)
EvapHeatLossDiff = 0.4148*(SkinComfVpress - VapPress)
EvapHeatLoss = EvapHeatLossRegComf + EvapHeatLossDiff
LatRespHeatLoss = 0.0023*ActLevel*(44. - VapPress)
DryRespHeatLoss = 0.0014*ActLevel*(34.- AirTemp)
RespHeatLoss = LatRespHeatLoss + DryRespHeatLoss
ConvHeatLos = CloBodyRat*Hc*(CloSurfTemp - AirTemp)
RadHeatLoss = RadSurfEff*CloBodyRat*SkinEmiss*StefanBoltz*(AbsCloSurfTemp**4 - AbsRadTemp**4)
DryHeatLoss = ConvHeatLoss + RadHeatLoss
2 | No.2 Revision |
The Engineering Reference in the Fanger Comfort Model section shows the detailed calculation of PMV. This model is based on the zone conditions (T and w) as well as the schedules used for activity level, work efficiency, clothing level, and air velocity. Any one or more of these values will affect the resulting PMV. The first step in diagnosing the simulation results would be to report the zone temperature and relative humidity. Keeping the zone conditions within the comfort zone would be one of the first things to implement. The clothing schedule and air velocity schedule would be the second things to look at to ensure the occupants are wearing the correct apparel and see the expected skin air velocity.velocity. Then the choice of work efficiency for the type of zone being modeled would be a final check of the model inputs (see People object for model inputs).
PMV = ThermSensTransCoef*(IntHeatProd - EvapHeatLoss - RespHeatLoss - DryHeatLoss)
ThermSensTransCoef = 0.303*EXP(-0.036*ActLevel) + 0.028 (activity level is scheduled)
IntHeatProd = ActLevel - WorkEff; (both scheduled)
EvapHeatLossRegComf = 0.42*(IntHeatProd - ActLevelConv)
EvapHeatLossDiff = 0.4148*(SkinComfVpress - VapPress)
EvapHeatLoss = EvapHeatLossRegComf + EvapHeatLossDiff
LatRespHeatLoss = 0.0023*ActLevel*(44. - VapPress)
DryRespHeatLoss = 0.0014*ActLevel*(34.- AirTemp)
RespHeatLoss = LatRespHeatLoss + DryRespHeatLoss
ConvHeatLos = CloBodyRat*Hc*(CloSurfTemp - AirTemp)
RadHeatLoss = RadSurfEff*CloBodyRat*SkinEmiss*StefanBoltz*(AbsCloSurfTemp**4 - AbsRadTemp**4)
DryHeatLoss = ConvHeatLoss + RadHeatLoss
3 | No.3 Revision |
The Engineering Reference in the Fanger Comfort Model section shows the detailed calculation of PMV. This model is based on the zone conditions (T and w) as well as the schedules used for activity level, work efficiency, clothing level, and air velocity. Any one or more of these values will affect the resulting PMV. The first step in diagnosing the simulation results would be to report the zone temperature and relative humidity. Keeping the zone conditions within the comfort zone would be one of the first things to implement. The clothing schedule and air velocity schedule would be the second things to look at to ensure the occupants are wearing the correct apparel and see the expected skin air velocity. Then the choice of work efficiency for the type of zone being modeled would be a final check of the model inputs (see People object for model inputs).
PMV = ThermSensTransCoef*(IntHeatProd - EvapHeatLoss - RespHeatLoss - DryHeatLoss)
ThermSensTransCoef = 0.303*EXP(-0.036*ActLevel) + 0.028 (activity level is scheduled)
IntHeatProd = ActLevel - WorkEff; (both scheduled)
EvapHeatLossRegComf = 0.42*(IntHeatProd - ActLevelConv)
EvapHeatLossDiff = 0.4148*(SkinComfVpress - VapPress)
EvapHeatLoss = EvapHeatLossRegComf + EvapHeatLossDiff
LatRespHeatLoss = 0.0023*ActLevel*(44. - VapPress)
DryRespHeatLoss = 0.0014*ActLevel*(34.- AirTemp)
RespHeatLoss = LatRespHeatLoss + DryRespHeatLoss
ConvHeatLos = CloBodyRat*Hc*(CloSurfTemp - AirTemp)AirTemp) (clothing level is scheduled)
RadHeatLoss = RadSurfEff*CloBodyRat*SkinEmiss*StefanBoltz*(AbsCloSurfTemp**4 - AbsRadTemp**4)
DryHeatLoss = ConvHeatLoss + RadHeatLoss