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I've figured out the question. Let me ask and answer myself. I am using OpenStudio Python API.

import csv
import openstudio

def create_meter_customs_from_csv(csv_file_path, model):
    meter_dict = {}
    output_meter_dict = {}

    with open(csv_file_path, 'r') as csvfile:
        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)

        next(csvreader) # Skip the header

        for row in csvreader:
            meter_name, fuel_type, key_name, output_variable_or_meter_name = row

            if meter_name not in meter_dict:
                meter = openstudio.model.MeterCustom(model)
                meter_dict[meter_name] = meter

                # Create and configure OutputMeter for the same MeterCustom
                output_meter = openstudio.model.OutputMeter(model)
                output_meter.setReportingFrequency('timestep') # Options: 'detailed','timestep','hourly','daily', 'monthly'
                output_meter_dict[meter_name] = output_meter

            meter = meter_dict[meter_name]
            meter.addKeyVarGroup(key_name, output_variable_or_meter_name)

    print(f"Meter:Custom objects created: {list(meter_dict.keys())}")
    print(f"Output:Meter objects added: {list(output_meter_dict.keys())}")

# Usage
model = m  # Replace this with your OpenStudio model
create_meter_customs_from_csv('csv_file_path', model)