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What is your specific problem with modelling air-cooled chiller with heat recovery?
I have designed an HVAC system with it as an MEP engineer in a building where cooling and heating demands can occur simultaneously. I have not modelled an energy model with it in my actual projects, but I saw your question and modelled it as a test based on the ExampleFile HeatRecoveryElectricChiller.idf i.e., I changed the condenser type of Chiller:Electric
from WaterCooled to AirCooled and deleted the condenser water loop. The revised model HeatRecoveryElectricChiller_Rev_AirCooled.idf (V23-1-0) appeears to work at first glance.
Energyplus is still not very practical for practitioners after years of funding and development
Agree. We, the practitioners, need to keep reporting bugs and requesting new features.