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Pre-simulation you can run a user script in the SketchUp Plugin called "Space Type Report" under the "Plugins/OpenStudio User Scripts/Reports menu item. This will create a CSV with a square footage broken down by space type, thermal zone and story.

We don't currently have a measure for the OpenStudio application to do this pre-simulation, but it would be a pretty basic one for someone to write. We do have a reporting (Annual End Use Breakdown) measure that gives a breakdown of building area by space type. There is also the zone summary in eplustbl.htm, although I think from another question I know you want it in IP. Currently in OpenStudio the tabular output has to be in SI to support our reporting, but you can always re-generate that with a new run outside of OpenStudio, or use reporting measures like the one linked above that convert a sub-set of the data to IP. In this case the LEED section.