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To borrow from a Stack Overflow answer: "It takes a week to learn and a lifetime to master".

Your question has no easy answer. It depends a lot on your background knowledge of building science and building simulation and the resources available. If you plan to learn TRNSYS only by asking questions on Unmet Hours, you will find that it might take you a very long time (not to mention that you might begin to test the patience of those offering you help). The more you can show that you have done work on your own to learn simulation programs, the more willing you will find people to answer your questions.

Do you know TRNSYS experts who can help you with the basics? If not, you might consider looking for training on TRNSYS. TESS offers periodic courses throughout the year and they offer to arrange a private training.

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No.2 Revision

To borrow from a Stack Overflow answer: "It takes a week to learn and a lifetime to master".

Your question has no easy answer. It depends a lot on your background knowledge of building science and building simulation and the resources available. If you plan to learn TRNSYS only by asking questions on Unmet Hours, you will find that it might take you a very long time (not to mention that you might begin to test the patience of those offering you help). The more you can show that you have done work on your own to learn simulation programs, the more willing you will find people to answer your questions.

Do you know TRNSYS experts who can help you with the basics? If not, you might consider looking for training on TRNSYS. TESS offers periodic courses throughout the year and they offer to arrange a private training.trainings.