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1 | initial version |
If you mean to report what you clearly think is a bug, don't do it here please, go directly to, and provide as much factual information as possible.
Anyways, here your json is broken, it's missing the geometry. How that happened? I wouldn't know and couldn't guess.
You could also try the steps here: You'd see that trying to load your floorplan.json
fails already in floorspace:
Critical: A vertex is referenced by a face, but does not exist! {"id":"6","faces":[{"id":"17","edgeRefs":
[ ...truncated... ] {"id":"83","x":205,"y":20,"edge_ids":["86","87","80","91"]}]} (qrc:///library/geometry_preview.html:252, (null))
If you try to load your json in the OpenStudio CLI, you'll see that it crashes in the OpenStudio SDK, not in the OpenStudioApp.
$ openstudio.exe -e "p = 'floorplan.json'; floorPlan = OpenStudio::FloorplanJS::load(p).get; scene = floorPlan.toThreeScene(true)"
[BOOST_ASSERT] <2> Assertion vertex2 failed on line 553 of void openstudio::FloorplanJS::makeGeometries(const Json::Value&, const Json::Value&, bool, bool, double, double, double, const Json::Value&, const Json::Value&, const Json::Value&, const string&, bool, std::vector<openstudio::ThreeGeometry>&, std::vector<openstudio::ThreeSceneChild>&, bool) const in file /srv/jenkins/openstudio/git/nightly/ubuntu_2004/src/utilities/geometry/FloorplanJS.cpp.
eval:48: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x0000000000000008
ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux]
-- Control frame information -----------------------------------------------
c:0015 p:---- s:0087 e:000086 CFUNC :toThreeScene
The OpenStudio SDK could probably do more validity checking on a json file to handle gracefully the case where a broken json file is supplied, but that's about it.
I also suggest you start using git for version control of your modeling files. It works very well since json, IDF, OSMs, etc are text files. And you can easily go back in time should something bad arise.
2 | No.2 Revision |
If you mean to report what you clearly think is a bug, don't do it here please, go directly to, and provide as much factual information as possible.
Anyways, here your json is broken, it's missing the geometry. How that happened? I wouldn't know and couldn't guess.
You could also try the steps here: You'd see that trying to load your floorplan.json
fails already in floorspace:
Critical: A vertex is referenced by a face, but does not exist! {"id":"6","faces":[{"id":"17","edgeRefs":
[ ...truncated... ] {"id":"83","x":205,"y":20,"edge_ids":["86","87","80","91"]}]} (qrc:///library/geometry_preview.html:252, (null))
If you try to load your json in the OpenStudio CLI, you'll see that it crashes in the OpenStudio SDK, not in the OpenStudioApp.
$ openstudio.exe -e "p = 'floorplan.json'; floorPlan = OpenStudio::FloorplanJS::load(p).get; scene = floorPlan.toThreeScene(true)"
[BOOST_ASSERT] <2> Assertion vertex2 failed on line 553 of void openstudio::FloorplanJS::makeGeometries(const Json::Value&, const Json::Value&, bool, bool, double, double, double, const Json::Value&, const Json::Value&, const Json::Value&, const string&, bool, std::vector<openstudio::ThreeGeometry>&, std::vector<openstudio::ThreeSceneChild>&, bool) const in file /srv/jenkins/openstudio/git/nightly/ubuntu_2004/src/utilities/geometry/FloorplanJS.cpp.
eval:48: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x0000000000000008
ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux]
-- Control frame information -----------------------------------------------
c:0015 p:---- s:0087 e:000086 CFUNC :toThreeScene
The OpenStudio SDK could probably do more validity checking on a json file to handle gracefully the case where a broken json file is supplied, but that's about it.
I also suggest you start using git for version control of your modeling files. It works very well since json, IDF, OSMs, etc are text files. And you can easily go back in time should something bad arise.