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1 | initial version |
It is not unexpected that DHW/plug loads should dominate in large multifamily, especially in more efficient designs due to the square-cube law. I don't have any specifics but for context the help files says BEopt calculates plug-loads as 1108.1 + 180.2Beds + 0.278CFA, whereas ANSI/RESNET 301-2019 specifies individual loads in Table The loads not otherwise covered by BEopt amount to: 413+69Beds + 0.91CFA; the first two terms are televisions (or other glowing rectangles in the modern home), and the latter is truly miscellaneous.
2 | No.2 Revision |
It is not unexpected that DHW/plug loads should dominate in large multifamily, especially in more efficient designs due to the square-cube law. I don't have any specifics but for context the help files says BEopt calculates plug-loads as 1108.1 + 180.2Beds 180.2Beds + 0.278CFA, 0.278CFA, whereas ANSI/RESNET 301-2019 specifies individual loads in Table The loads not otherwise covered by BEopt amount to: 413+69Beds 413+69Beds + 0.91CFA; 0.91CFA; the first two terms are televisions (or other glowing rectangles in the modern home), and the latter is truly miscellaneous.
[edit: removed multiplying asterisks because the forum "helpfully" interpreted them as italics commands]