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I haven't tried your code, but I did take your model and ran it though surface matching measure in OpenStudio 3.3.0 and that seems to work.

Is there a reason you are using OpenStudio 3.1 instead of 3.3, it could be good for you to confirm on your end that 3.30 also works. I have selected the surface that for you you is being deleted in OpenStudio 3.1.

image description

I haven't tried your code, but I did take your model and ran it though surface matching measure measure in OpenStudio 3.3.0 and that seems to work.

Is there a reason you are using OpenStudio 3.1 instead of 3.3, it could be good for you to confirm on your end that 3.30 also works. I have selected the surface that for you you is being deleted in OpenStudio 3.1.

image descriptionimage description