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You can use a Meter:Custom object to accomplish this. In particular, the EnergyPlus has an example of calculating building-level Infiltration Heat Loss & Heat Gain by summing zone-level output variables:

  Building Infiltration Heat Loss,          !- Name
  Generic,                                  !- Resource Type
  *,                                        !- Key Name 1
  Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1

  Building Infiltration Heat Gain,          !- Name
  Generic,                                  !- Resource Type
  *,                                        !- Key Name 1
  Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1

You can then request hourly output for the custom meter.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

You can use a Meter:Custom object to accomplish this. In particular, the EnergyPlus documentation has an example of calculating building-level Infiltration Heat Loss & Heat Gain by summing zone-level output variables:

  Building Infiltration Heat Loss,          !- Name
  Generic,                                  !- Resource Type
  *,                                        !- Key Name 1
  Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1

  Building Infiltration Heat Gain,          !- Name
  Generic,                                  !- Resource Type
  *,                                        !- Key Name 1
  Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy; !- Output Variable Name 1

You can then request hourly output for the custom meter.