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Well, these don't hurt anything and should take very little time. But if you do want to eliminate this you can edit RunEPlus.bat in the root directory and either comment the problem lines out or come up with other logic for processing. I suspect it is the IF NOT EXIST lines that are calling ReadVarsESO.exe.
: 7&9. Run Post Processing Program(s)
if %maxcol%==250 SET rvset=
if %maxcol%==nolimit SET rvset=unlimited
: readvars creates audit in append mode. start it off
echo %date% %time% ReadVars >readvars.audit
IF EXIST eplusout.inp %post_proc%ReadVarsESO.exe eplusout.inp %rvset%
IF NOT EXIST eplusout.inp %post_proc%ReadVarsESO.exe " " %rvset%
IF EXIST eplusmtr.inp %post_proc%ReadVarsESO.exe eplusmtr.inp %rvset%
IF NOT EXIST eplusmtr.inp echo >test.mvi
IF NOT EXIST eplusmtr.inp echo eplusmtr.csv >>test.mvi
IF NOT EXIST eplusmtr.inp %post_proc%ReadVarsESO.exe test.mvi %rvset%
IF EXIST eplusout.bnd %post_proc%HVAC-Diagram.exe