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Hi, I am giving updates on this subject on which I struggled the last few days. I encountered the same issues with PyFMI, thus using FMI++ as an alternative on windows. It worked great with FMU1.0, but on Linux, I didn't manage to install correctly FMI++ (sundials' issue). I found a way out with FMPy with FMU2.0 of building model in energyplus. Worked great from now (10 FMUs in a row without issue, more lead to crash my virtual Linux machine (I guess the 4Gb of RAM is not enough for so many FMUs) ! But I manage to make 30 FMUs in a row on my windows machine (32Gb of RAM) using FMI++. Before make all the changes to have same packages working on Linux and windows, Is there any known issue for FMU2.0 on energyplus ? (I still have warnings form strcpy() function in C while making the FMUs but it runs perfectly afterwards, and the warning might come form gcc ?) Looking forward,