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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Hi All

I just updated the "Export Meter to csv" for the OpenStudio Application 1.1.0, because I found the original one from BCL doesn't work anymore with new OpenStudio Application. Thus I learned from other OpenStudio measure and modified the original one. Thanks mdahlhausen for the original measure. It is great measure.

The modified measure.rb works well. As I do not have enough points to upload the .rb file, just put the related parts below.

1: the reporting class name

class ExportMetertoCSV < OpenStudio::Measure::ReportingMeasure

2: the arguments function

def arguments(model=nil)
    args =

    #make an argument for the variable name
    meter_name = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument("meter_name",true)
    meter_name.setDisplayName("Enter Meter Name.")
    args << meter_name

    #make an argument for the reporting frequency
    reporting_frequency_chs =
    reporting_frequency_chs << "Hourly"
    reporting_frequency_chs << "Zone Timestep"
    reporting_frequency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('reporting_frequency', reporting_frequency_chs, true)
    reporting_frequency.setDisplayName("Reporting Frequency.")
    args << reporting_frequency

3: the sql file related part in run function

 def run(runner, user_arguments)
    super(runner, user_arguments)

    # use the built-in error checking 
    if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments)
      return false

    #assign the user inputs to variables
    meter_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue("meter_name",user_arguments)
    reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue("reporting_frequency",user_arguments) 

    #check the user_name for reasonableness
    if meter_name == ""
      runner.registerError("No variable name was entered.")
      return false

    setup = OsLib_Reporting.setup(runner)
    unless setup
      return false
    model = setup[:model]
    sql = setup[:sqlFile]
click to hide/show revision 2
Suggested edit

Hi All

I just updated the "Export Meter to csv" for the OpenStudio Application 1.1.0, because I found the original one from BCL doesn't work anymore with new OpenStudio Application. Thus I learned from other OpenStudio measure and modified the original one. Thanks mdahlhausen for the original measure. It is great measure.

The modified measure.rb works well. As I do not have enough points to upload the .rb file, just put the related parts below.

1: the reporting class name

class ExportMetertoCSV < OpenStudio::Measure::ReportingMeasure

2: the arguments function

def arguments(model=nil)
    args =

    #make an argument for the variable name
    meter_name = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeStringArgument("meter_name",true)
    meter_name.setDisplayName("Enter Meter Name.")
    args << meter_name

    #make an argument for the reporting frequency
    reporting_frequency_chs =
    reporting_frequency_chs << "Hourly"
    reporting_frequency_chs << "Zone Timestep"
    reporting_frequency = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('reporting_frequency', reporting_frequency_chs, true)
    reporting_frequency.setDisplayName("Reporting Frequency.")
    args << reporting_frequency

3: the sql file related part in run function

 def run(runner, user_arguments)
    super(runner, user_arguments)

    # use the built-in error checking 
    if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments)
      return false

    #assign the user inputs to variables
    meter_name = runner.getStringArgumentValue("meter_name",user_arguments)
    reporting_frequency = runner.getStringArgumentValue("reporting_frequency",user_arguments) 

    #check the user_name for reasonableness
    if meter_name == ""
      runner.registerError("No variable name was entered.")
      return false

    setup = OsLib_Reporting.setup(runner)
    unless setup
      return false
    model = setup[:model]
    sql = setup[:sqlFile]