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Since you were able to report the results for a day then you should be able to do the same for a month and/or the entire year. This can be done through the RunPeriod
class in the IDF. You can change these parameters based on the period you would like to run the simulation for. Here is an example for a whole year simulation period.
annual, !- Name
1, !- Begin Month
1, !- Begin Day of Month
, !- Begin Year
12, !- End Month
31, !- End Day of Month
, !- End Year
, !- Day of Week for Start Day
Yes, !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
Yes, !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
No, !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
Yes, !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
Yes; !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
Also, make sure that you are reporting the desired output variables on hourly scales by setting the reporting frequency in Output:Variable
class to Hourly.