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As with Mark Twain, reports of the death of the OpenStudio Application have been greatly exaggerated.

Installers for the OS Application v1.0.1 (Windows/Ubuntu and Mac) have been made available for community use here. These installers were built to connect to Openstudio v3.0.1 (released 12 days ago), and are necessary for OpenStudio users who want to use a graphical user interface to inspect/simulate .osm files created using OpenStudio v3.0.1.

Future installers of OpenStudio will also be located here.

These installers represent the 1st release of the OpenStudio Application since the official separation of the OS Application from the OpenStudio Core. By early next week, OpenStudio users should be able to find new and updated documentation for the OS App here, including links to a series of new videos.

OpenStudio users are encouraged to use the GitHub "Issues" feature of the Application Repository to continue to file and track issues related to the OpenStudio Application.