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It sounds like you actually modeled a heat pump water heater (HPWH), which heats water while rejecting heat to air. Usually, air-source heat pump (ASHP) systems heat or cool air while rejecting heat to another air stream.

Any heating for this HPWH will appear as electricity use in the "Water Systems" category and not the "Heating" category. If you wanted to separate this HPWH intended for space heating from other water heaters intended for domestic hot water or other purposes, then use a different End-Use Subcategory for the WaterHeater:Mixed object. You will then see the energy use for the subcategory appear in the End Uses by Subcategory table of the Annual Building Utility Performance Summary report.

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No.2 Revision

It sounds like you actually modeled a heat pump water heater (HPWH), which heats water while rejecting heat to air. Usually, air-source heat pump (ASHP) systems heat or cool air while rejecting heat to another air stream.

Any heating for this HPWH will appear as electricity use in the "Water Systems" category and not the "Heating" category. If you wanted to separate this HPWH intended for space heating from other water heaters intended for domestic hot water or other purposes, then use a different End-Use Subcategory for the WaterHeater:Mixed object. You will then see the energy use for the subcategory appear in the End Uses by Subcategory table of the Annual Building Utility Performance Summary report.