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In ASHRAE 90.1-2010 appendix G you can find the HVAC system for the baseline. The system type for the baseline depends of the use, area and floors numbers of the project.

In ASHRAE 90.1-2010 appendix G you can find the HVAC system for the baseline. The system type for the baseline depends of the use, area and floors flooimage descriptionrs numbers of the project.

In ASHRAE 90.1-2010 appendix G you can find the HVAC system for the baseline. The system type for the baseline depends of the use, area and flooimage descriptionrs numbers floors of the project.image description

In ASHRAE 90.1-2010 appendix G you can find the HVAC system for the baseline. The system type for the baseline depends of the use, area and floors of the project.project. It does not matter whether it is natural or mechanicaly conditioned. image description