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This is due to the fact that the attic zone was not using the (0, 0, 0) origin in this case (see below). If you move this origin location to (0, 0, 0), you will be using the coordinate you specified, and move other roof surfaces accordingly. However, under the current attic zone origin location, the current coordinate for the roofs is correct. This has NO impact on building energy. In fact, if you open the model with the Sketchup plugin, there is nothing wrong with the geometry.

      attic,                   !- Name
      0.0,                     !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
      -41.122974,              !- X Origin {m}
      15.731187,               !- Y Origin {m}
      0.0,                     !- Z Origin {m}
      ,                        !- Type
      1;                       !- Multiplier