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Just to update the community on progress related to the 'repackaging' efforts of the OpenStudio Application:

A small group of active stakeholders has secured support from a nonprofit organization that focuses on market analysis and business plan generation/review. We are currently calling the initiative the 'OSC' - The OpenStudio Coalition. A "draft" of the current OSC mission and vision statements follow:

OSC Mission

Our mission is to provide easy access and a supporting infrastructure to scalable, open-source and transparent building energy simulation tools.

OSC Vision

Our vision is a decarbonized world energy ecosystem realized through a community taking action informed by an open source building energy modeling ecosystem.

Moving forward, many different business plans that include ongoing support for the "OpenStudio Application" are possible. Deciding which one(s) will be executed on will involve receiving input from members of this community, and several others.

To stay involved in announcements and communications related to this effort, please register at