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There are two options for creating interior walls and windows in Euclid depending upon how you want to define the outside boundary conditions.

  1. If you set the Outside Boundary Condition input field for the interior wall surface of a zone to Zone, then you only need to draw that one interior wall surface because EnergyPlus will automatically create the required wall surface in the adjacent zone. If you have the second wall surface in the adjacent zone, you will need to delete it from the model. In this case, you will also only need to draw one interior window surface in the interior wall because EnergyPlus will also automatically create the required window surface in the adjacent zone.

  2. If you set the interior wall's Outside Boundary Condition input field to Surface, then you will need to draw the second wall surface in the adjacent zone yourself. After doing so, you will then need to set the names of the adjacent wall surfaces accordingly in the Outside Boundary Condition Object input field (this can be done automatically in Euclid using the Surface Matching tool). After the two interior walls are defined, you will also need to draw the second window surface in the adjacent zone yourself. The Outside Boundary Condition Object input field for the FenestrationSurface:Detailed object that Euclid creates for window surfaces should be set to the names of the adjacent window surfaces accordingly. This can also be done automatically in Euclid using the Surface Matching tool.

In the second process, even though you are drawing two wall or window surfaces (one in each zone), EnergyPlus performs heat transfer and storage calculations for a single surface.