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This object is incorrect:

Output:Variable,My_PV_generator_system:DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM,Electric Load Center Produced Electric Energy, Simple;

"Simple" should be "hourly" or one of the other valid options (enum values) for reporting frequency. With the v8.9.0 input processor changes to support epJSON input, these types of input errors are trapped earlier and the error messages may at times be a little confusing. Because Output:Variable objects do not have a unique name field, the input processor references it by numerical order. In this case, the 76th Output:Variable object is where the error occurred. Similar errors for other objects will identify the name of the object.

If the header says Version 8.9.0, then you really are executing v8.9.0. v8.8.0 and prior versions were rather forgiving for this particular input field and would silently use the same reporting frequency as the previous Output:Variable object(at least that's what I see from a quick test, even though the code looks like there should be a warning). v8.9 and later is more strict - inputs for choice fields like this must match one of the choices exactly. That's why this file runs in v8.8 but not in v8.9.