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You won't be able to stop in the middle of day out of the box, but that's not a problem, you can always truncate your output during post-processing if you want.

You don't need Python or whatever, but you just need a way to calculate the run period as you want it. You can do that manually, with excel, with python, etc.

eg: You want to run from january 1st, mignight to hour 1700. Ceiling(1700/24) = 71. January 1st offset by 71 days gives you March 13.

RunPeriod,  ! Winter Simulation
  1700 hrs,  !- Name
  1,  !- Begin Month
  1,  !- Begin Day of Month
  3,  !- End Month
  13,  !- End Day of Month
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

You won't be able to stop in the middle of day out of the box, but that's not a problem, you can always truncate your output during post-processing if you want.

You don't need Python or whatever, but you just need a way to calculate the run period as you want it. You can do that manually, with excel, with python, etc.

eg: You want to run from january 1st, mignight to hour 1700. Ceiling(1700/24) = 71. January 1st offset by 71 days gives you March 13.

RunPeriod,  ! Winter Simulation
   1700 hrs,  !- Name
  1,  !- Begin Month
  1,  !- Begin Day of Month
  3,  !- End Month
  13,  !- End Day of Month