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I assume you are using E+ I did something like that for calculating the amount water my future garden will consume : I started by calculating the dripperline flow per minute. image description

Then I estimated the amount of water the garden will consume each month. (I used government calculator which take rainfall into account).

image description

You should use the cubic meter per hour number and divide it by your roof irrigation surface area to get the irrigation rate [meter per hour]

Now for the question you asked - you can look in the YoueDriveLeter:\EnergyPlusV8-8-0\ExampleFiles\EcoroofOrlando.idf example of E+

! Schedule for irrigation (1"/irrday summer 0.5"/irrday winter: Mon and Fri at ~10am)
! Note: UCF documentation inconsistent 1 vs 2 " in summer per week??
! To avoid stability issues with 1hour timesteps we simply add 1/7th of weekly
! precipitation evenly divided into 2 hours each of ALLDAYS each season
! Note: 0.00181 in*2hrs*7days = 1 inch per week
! m/hour

    IRRIGATIONSCHD,          !- Name
    Any Number,              !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 3/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Alldays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 07:00,0.0,        !- Field 3
    Until: 09:00,0.00181,    !- Field 5
    Until: 24:00,0.0,        !- Field 7
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 9
    For: Alldays,            !- Field 10
    Until: 07:00,0.0,        !- Field 11
    Until: 09:00,0.00242,    !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,0.0;        !- Field 15

I assume you are using E+ I did something like that for calculating the amount water my future garden will consume : I started by calculating the dripperline flow per minute. image description

Then I estimated the amount of water the garden will consume each month. (I used government calculator which take rainfall into account).

image description

You should use the cubic meter per hour number and divide it by your roof irrigation surface area to get the irrigation rate [meter per hour]

Now for the question you asked - you can look in the YoueDriveLeterYourDriveLeter:\EnergyPlusV8-8-0\ExampleFiles\EcoroofOrlando.idf example of E+

! Schedule for irrigation (1"/irrday summer 0.5"/irrday winter: Mon and Fri at ~10am)
! Note: UCF documentation inconsistent 1 vs 2 " in summer per week??
! To avoid stability issues with 1hour timesteps we simply add 1/7th of weekly
! precipitation evenly divided into 2 hours each of ALLDAYS each season
! Note: 0.00181 in*2hrs*7days = 1 inch per week
! m/hour

    IRRIGATIONSCHD,          !- Name
    Any Number,              !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 3/31,           !- Field 1
    For: Alldays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 07:00,0.0,        !- Field 3
    Until: 09:00,0.00181,    !- Field 5
    Until: 24:00,0.0,        !- Field 7
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 9
    For: Alldays,            !- Field 10
    Until: 07:00,0.0,        !- Field 11
    Until: 09:00,0.00242,    !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,0.0;        !- Field 15