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Sure, but I need some more details about your HVAC system. Regardless, the HVAC objects have a field to specify a profile/schedule that's being used for availability. Here is an example of a DX coil from one of the reference building models.

PSZ-AC:2_CoolC DXCoil,   !- Name
ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE,                !- Gross Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
AUTOSIZE,                !- Gross Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
3.66668442928701,        !- Gross Rated Cooling COP {W/W}
AUTOSIZE,                !- Rate

Here the third line references the ALWAYS_ON schedule, which in this model is defined as being 1 all the time. I suspect you will want something similar in your model, though where you put that depends on what type of HVAC system you have. Feel free to share your IDF file and I can try to be more specific, and confirm that this is your issue.