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I also believe that Matthew Steen is right for starting with BEopt for modeling the house. BEopt is easy to use for the residential house. For calculating the energy use of different appliances and building, use Output: Variable of EnergyPlus. You can refer InputOutput reference of EnergyPlus to obtain the energy consumption of appliances. You can also schedule loads of house and change the cooling setpoint of AC using the schedule option of EnergyPlus.

I also believe that Matthew Steen is right for starting with BEopt for modeling the house. BEopt is easy to use for the residential house. For calculating the energy use of different appliances and building, use Output: Variable Output:Variable of EnergyPlus. You can refer InputOutput reference of EnergyPlus to obtain the energy consumption of appliances. You can also schedule loads of house and change the cooling setpoint of AC using the schedule option of EnergyPlus. EnergyPlus.