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The measure happens to be here Enable Demand Controlled Ventilation, and it does have a bunch of information that you need to read, especially the measure description.

This measure enable demand controlled ventilation on all or a single air loops in the building. The measure will loop through the selected systems, go into the "control" tab for the air system and toggles the "Demand Controlled Ventilation" button to the "on" position. If the HVAC system does not have an air side system, or if the "Demand Controlled Ventilation" button is already in the "on" position, then the runner sends an info message to the user that the model was not changed. The cost arguments are user arguments that start with a default of $0.

Then I suggest you head towards my answer to the previously asked question How can I model DCV? since that part has already been answered. Short story, it enabled this field in EnergyPlus Controller:MechanicalVentilation>DCV and will vary the outside air based on the actual number of occupants in the space as opposed to the nominal number of occupants.