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From a quick look at the Small Office DOE prototype, seems it used an AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir with a Single Speed DX Cooling Coil, a Single Speed DX Heating Coil, and a gas supplemental heating coil.

In the OS Library, you won't find this exactly, the closest you have is one where the supplemental heating is electric, called "Unitary - DX Heat Pump - Cycling - Elec Reheat".

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Couple of things to note:

  • I would advise against using an Unitary System for this unless you specifically need to, you'd be shooting yourself in the foot in my own humble opinion: it's much more complicated to work with. You can model a PSZ using a regular air loop. You can click to create a new system, and select "Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump" in OS App, then just change the supplemental electric heating coil with a Coil Gas instead:

PSZ using a regular air loop

  • If you really want to create one with a gas coil for supplemental heat, you'll need to write a script or measure for this, or better yet, you could also just use the Create DOE Prototype Building measure on BCL (developped as part of openstudio-standards) to generate the SmallOffice Prototype in an OpenStudio Model directly. Here's one of the PSZ loops for the SmallOffice prototype generated using the BCL measure.

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You can then clone that into your specific model using the command line or a measure. Note that there no point trying to clone it into your own hvac_library.osm currently as it would be there but you won't be able to select it in the OS App, that would require adding a new line to the source code (here)